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Timeshare Queen


Today is such an interesting time....

An interesting time in history that feels like the past.... yet we’re in 2020. Kinda feeling like 2000 again when they said the world was going to end, Y2K, and all that crazy crap... but this year we got served up a plate of covid-19 with a side of blm riots.

-I can’t say coming from a small town I would have ever expected to see any of this, but I did. I never dreamt it would have affected me like it did, but it did.

2020 was the year we all said it was gonna happen! It was going to be our year... then all this crap hit the fan and we all slowly started to deflate....#worstyearever...

well I’m here to say drop the drama, the year isn’t over yet.

I promise you

this is going to be your best year yet!!!

Trust the journey you’ve been sent on this year and believe it’s all been for the greater good. Know this was your wake up call to realign with your dreams, your desires, your hopes, your fears, and your failures. It was the time we needed to see what/who doesn’t serve us in our lives anymore. To free us of our burdens we don’t want to carry anymore. To know that we can literally get through anything!!

Just keep going. Keep on keeping on!!

I know without a doubt in my mind this is my year!!

Everything I hoped for is being created this year and is going to flourish after this year! With all the love and care I put into myself, there’s no way it’s Not Up from here.

I challenge you to do the same!



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