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Timeshare Queen


Did you know that everyday, every single day, it’s up to you to yank your greedy hands back from the worldly temptations and put it back to the heart and know what’s truly important?

It’s your job to love and work on yourself every day. Famous athletes aren’t talented at their sport by not practicing and not putting in the work, right? Your relationship with yourself is either the best or worst relationship you’ll ever have.

Love yourself!

Take time for yourself!

Date yourself!

Reward yourself!

Be free with yourself!

Be honest. Real. True!!

Follow your dreams!

Be your biggest fan!

You spend the most time with you, why not love yourself? The relationship you have with yourself is the deepest, truest, realest personal relationship you will ever have in your entire life. You have to treat yourself like a plant. Feed it. Water it. Give it love. Allow it to have peace. Take care and protect it. Speak kindly.

You have to ask yourself... would you say all the nasty self conscious things you say to yourself to a stranger. If no, why not? Why do you choose to say them to yourself then? Why make yourself less meaningful than them?

You are your own super hero. Your own best friend. Your soul mate. It’s you that’s by your side for your WHOLE life. It’s like you have an identical twin walking hand in hand with you every day.

So why...


Do you choose not to make the relationship you have with yourself the most important one you have by loving yourself?


What’s stopping you??

What are you waiting for???

The best is yet to come!!



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