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Timeshare Queen

Being FREE

You were given this life! Are you going to live it or not??

Why do we bog ourselves down with the bullshit of life? We were given a life free of pain, suffering, hurt, negativity, sin, deceit, etc. Why did we accept that into our lives? Better yet, why do we choose to keep it in our lives?? In the crazy world we live in we get taught false things. It’s up to us to clear that out of our mind. If we don’t clear these negative blocks we will be just that... blocked!! Blocked from love, happiness, abundance, peace, and all the other amazing things Gods given yo us and finding our purpose!!

I’ve spent so many years blocked. Living for others and trying to please everyone. basically watching my life in a bad movie pass me by. Always trying to do what I thought was the right thing, even if It didn’t feel right to me. So many times at the end of the day I would always ask myself.... what about me? I wasn’t living my dreams. My desires took a backseat. I was unhappy and living a lie. It wasn’t until my Grandpa died and I completely fell apart that I realized I was lying to myself everyday. I really didn’t understand it until I was at my lowest... thats when I decided I needed to put myself first. I needed to focus on ME!! I was going to set myself free!

It not until you recognize you have an issue or a problem that you can heal. If you don’t accept the things that aren’t right then you can’t fix it. You have to turn from lying to yourself everyday to finally being honest!! Let yourself be free of false beliefs! Retrain you’re brain to be uncluttered and positive with lots of love for yourself!

Recently with everything that’s going on in the world I began to fall into a massive negative mindset. I kind of shared that in my last post. I literally had to give up. I sat and I cried my eyes out just giving up on everything. Wondering why things are this way and simply telling myself I can’t go on like this anymore! This is when things changed!!

I stopped and asked myself how I was feeling.

Also why I felt like I was feeling.

I kept going until I couldn’t identify any more feelings. Then I asked myself do I like feeling this way and do I want to continue feeling this way.

Would my life be better if I didn’t feel this way. How do I want to feel.

Box it UP && Throw it AWAY!!

Free Yourself!! && Let it GO!!

In sales I always lived by Step 1A!

Check up from the neck up!!

Its a constent activity you have to keep doing. Make it your hobby. A daily ritual. If you don’t you have to start all over again and unblock yourself again to be free!

Ways to stay unblocked & free.... •Pray



•Sit Still in Silence or in Nature

•Forget time— turn alarms off, don’t check time every five minutes! •Journal

Love the life you live! Enjoy it more!

After all, you only have this life once. Be Free and don’t carry unnecessary weight!

You decide to recreate your life or keep the one you have! Don’t let it pass you by!!

Always remember... the best is yet to come!!



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