Everything is created twice... once in the mind, then in reality. Each of us were shaped in turn. Specially hand crafted and uniquely chosen traits unlike the next. God or whoever you give thanks to for your creation gets pleasure in watching our lives and using the characteristics they’ve given us. Who are we to argue with our creator? The one who gave us life and chose us individually for his tasks. You were their idea. If we were born knowing they love us, how can we turn away and do the opposite of what we were made for? Why do we reject the unconditional love they have for us? Better yet why do we reject any part of ourselves that was created by the higher one?
We were taught to give thanks, spread love, love the life we were given, etc. Why do we reject our purpose? Why do we get unsatisfied with ourselves we begin to have self confidence issues? Why do we not love ourselves like we were created to? In a world full of false reality, sin, hatred, and lies we get reprogrammed with bullshit giving us false beliefs. We either go on with life living a lie or we can wake up and realize how far we’ve strayed from the original task. We weren’t born to be miserable. We were born to be happy and praise our creator for all the beautiful things they’ve placed in front of us. If we each were given our own purpose, why do we try for someone else’s purpose? If we don’t know or understand our purpose how do we find it? Where is our purpose written down for us?
I heard this part of a song the other day and it really stuck with me, “in a world full of hate be a light!” It is so true! We live in a world so full of all the nonessential bullshit our creator never meant for us to see. This source of false reality has been the reason we have strayed from the original mission. We get reprogramed to believe we’re not good enough. We get told we’re not the right size or not pretty enough to make that cover of the magazine or to be that CEO! It’s all fake!! What you choose to feed yourself with is what you will end up with. You can’t ask for steak on a Ramon noodle budget and expect caviar. If you live a life of sin, hatred, fear, devil worshipping how do you expect to see the pearly gates at the end of your time? Specially when you’ve strayed away from your purpose? You don’t!! Sometimes it takes your darkest moments to hinder a change! Sometimes it’s a random act of kindness. Who knows. Only you do and your creator.
Drop your baggage. Drop the false reality and lies your living in! Feel your call to action! Find that purpose you’ve been straying from. In this world full of uncertainty be a light for the once’s who are so engulfed in the darkness. But first be selfish. It’s okay to be selfish and world on yourself solely first. Sometimes your mood is cracked and you can to help others until you repair it. Fix those self esteem issues you have. When you look in the mirror be able to love what you see. Forgive that person whose hurt you. They probably don’t even know your still holding onto it. Quit that job that makes you do bad things and makes you unhappy! Do what feels right. Pray about it. Meditate about it. Do whatever you need to do to clear your blockage. Clear your path to happiness! You are only given this life once why not make it the best one yet!