Well as it normally starts, you’ve landed here today at my page! I’d like to say it was no accident, but it could very well have been one! But hello and welcome to the diary of a Scorn Timeshare Queen! Sounded like a catchy name after leaving the career I've known for the last almost eight years of my life because I wasn't happy and needed a change. Right? My name is Rachel and I am 29 years old trying to figure out this thing called life! Where’s the manual?? Where’s the how to?? Wait can I find this stuff on google??? I am born and raised in Wisconsin, but hanging out in Las Vegas, Nevada right now. I’d like to think I can solve all problems and make this world perfect but I know I cannot. It doesn’t hurt to try though right??? I have had an interesting ride the last two years and it was mainly to bring me back to finding my real true self, I know that now! Along the way I've lost some people however gained a whole lot more, learned alot, broke but mended, and just really tried to figure out my personal meaning of life. To be a better real"er" self. I may not have always been right along the way, but I learned from every experience and continue to learn to grow. This is my life written in my words through my eyes. You may not always like it and you may not always agree! BUT THAT'S OKAY!! I'm not here to offend anyone and hope you wouldn't do that to me either. Enlighten me if you have a different way of thinking. Show me if you find a better way to do things! I am here to see things from all points of view. But on a lighter note! Mainly I'm just here to vent and write about things that I enjoy. Beauty, health, social media, business, love, life, etc. I appologize in advance for what will be written here. Just know its from the heart!
Ps If you have any blog ideas feel free to share!!